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50 Ways To Make Money As A Musician

Ray Bally

1. RB Solo – avant garde free improvisation

2. RB/Primitive Substance Band – avant garde free improvisation

3. RB Solo – perform my songs

4. RB Band – perform my songs

5. RB – Perform at yoga studios

6. RB – Create and perform Theatre scores

7. RB – Sell: Candles

8. RB – Sell: T shirts

9. RB – Sell streams

10. RB – Sell: Downloads

11. RB – Sell: Books

12. RB – Sell: CDs

13. RB – Sell: Cassettes

14. RB – Sell: Vinyl

15. RB – Sell: Fragrance

16. RB – Sell: Matches

17. RB – Sell: Guitar Straps

18. RB – Create a film soundtrack

19. RB – Create music for commercials

20. RB – Create music for TV series & Theme Song

21. RB – Perform and record on other people’s albums

22. RB – Write another book and get a publisher

23. RB – DJ (I have a nice record collection)

24. RB – Have my music sampled

25. RB – Teach song writing

26. RB – Accompany poets reading their work

27. RB – Curate & Produce shows

28. RB – Produce the Bern Nix Jazz Festival

29. RB – Record music for sound libraries

30. RB – Musicians cover my songs

31. RB – Find a song publisher

32. RB – Show and sell my drawings

33. RB – Become a featured artist by a guitar company

34. RB – Substack for my writing and drawing

35. RB – Consider Patreon

36. RB – Direct a music video for an artist

37. RB – Create my own music video to enter in festivals

38. RB – Kickstarter to make an album on vinyl

39. RB – Perform on the street or park

40. RB – Hired to perform at private parties

41. RB – Make playlists for yoga studios, hotels, bars

42. RB – Start a podcast

43. RB – Mentor/coach young artists

44. RB – open a club for jazz, poetry, theatre, & all kinds of music

45. RB – Perform at Local county music festivals

46. RB – Perform at international music festivals

47. RB – Find a record label to put out my music

48. RB – Apply for grants

49. RB – Apply to artists retreats

50. RB – Create backing music for hip hop artist


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